Year 6 - 2024/ 2025
Hello and welcome to the Year 6 page.
Our teaching team consists of Miss Kaschner, Mrs Slaughter, Miss Goodban, Miss Buckett, Miss Chance and Mrs Darioglu.
We will be having PE on a Tuesday and a Thursday. Please can children wear their PE kits to school on a this day.
We also visit Green Zone every term. Remember to have a look at Tapestry to see what we get up to.
Year 6 Fun at Green Zone
Below you will find an overview of our planned learning each term. For more information on what your child will be learning in year 6 please see the curriculum pages on the website and termly newsletters.
Year-6 (ID 1024)
Term 1Catch me if you can!
Term 1
Maths: Place Value (integers, negative numbers, numbers up to 1 million) Addition and Subtraction (including square, cube, factors, multiples, prime, order of operations)
English: Highwayman, historical narrative writing, predictions, changing the ending ballad (poetry), diary
SPAG: main clause and subordinate clause, conjunctions, determiners, prepositional phrases, synonyms and antonyms. Punctuation: inverted commas, parenthesis
History: What effect has the development of crime and punishment had on society?
Science: Light
Computing: Unit A Computing systems and networks – communication and collaboration
RE: Islam: What is the best way for a Muslim to show commitment to God?
Music: Charanga: Music and Technology
PE: Gymnastics and cricket
French: Language Angels - What is the date?
Art: 2D Drawing to 3D making
PSHE: Jigsaw: Being Me in My World
Term 2Extreme Environments
Term 2
Maths: Fractions (compare and order, add and subtract) Fractions B (fractions of amount, multiply and divide) and Measurement (converting units)
English: Ice trap: Recount Letter and Biography
SPAG: Formal and informal language, complex sentences and phrases (relative clauses, subordinate clauses), prepositions, simple past, past progressive and past perfect tense, adverbials, cohesive devices, pronouns for clarity and cohesion. Punctuation: brackets, dashes, commas
Geography: Is water our friend or foe? (global warming, oceans, floods, tsunami)
History: WW1 Remembrance: What was the impact of WW1?
Science: Living things and their habitats (Carl Linnaeus - classification system, Libbie Hyman - zoologist)
Computing: Unit B Creating media – Web pages
RE: Christianity: Do Christmas celebrations and traditions help Christians understand who Jesus was and why he was born?
Music: Charanga: Developing ensemble skills
PE: Dance and Football
French: Language Angels – At School
DT: Woodwork: Photo frames, design, make and produce, using a range of materials
PSHE: Jigsaw: Celebrating differences
Term 3WWII
Term 3
Maths: Decimals and then Fractions, decimals and percentages,
English: Newspaper report, adventure story (little ships) and free verse poetry (Blitz poems)
SPAG: Subject and object, active and passive, reported and direct speech, personification, metaphor, repetition, fronted adverbials, adverbs, prepositional phrases, determiners. Punctuation: colons, semi colons
History: War: What is it good for?
Science: Electricity
Computing: Unit C – Programming variables in games
RE: Christianity: Is anything ever eternal?
Music: Charanga: Creative Composition
PE: Badminton and Hockey
French: Language Angels – WWII
Art: Exploring identity – Activism (single lesson)
PSHE: Jigsaw: Dreams and Goals
Term 4WWII
Term 4
Maths: Area, perimeter and Volume, Shape and Geometry
English: Persuasive letter, dialogue, balanced argument
SPAG: Formal and informal language, direct speech, question tags, organising ideas into paragraphs, persuasive language (modal verbs), variation in sentence length to support cohesion, comparative sentences, conjunctions, tenses, word classes. Punctuation: colons, semi-colons, hyphens
History: War: What is it good for?
Science: Animals including humans (Daniel Hale Williams – circulatory system)
Computing: Unit D – Data and information – introduction to spreadsheets
RE: Christianity: Is Christianity still a strong religion 2000 years after Jesus was on Earth?
Music: Charanga: Musical styles connect us
PE: Netball and Tag Rugby
French: Language Angels- WWII
DT: Textiles – flag making
PSHE: Jigsaw: Healthy Me
Term 5Animations
Term 5
Maths: Algebra and Statistics and Ratio
English: Contemporary fiction, Sci-fi narrative, mystery story and non-chronological report
SPAG: Tenses, word classes, conjunctions. Punctuation: ellipses
Science: Scientists and Inventors (Alexander Flemming, Marie Maynard Daly, Steve Jobs)
Computing: Unit E – Creating media - 3D modelling
RE: Islam: Does belief in Akhirah (life after death) help Muslims lead good lives?
Music: Charanga: Improvising with confidence
PE: OAA and rounders
French: Language Angels – The weekend
Art: Festival feasts
PSHE: Jigsaw: Relationships
Term 6What makes you a good Geographer?
Term 6
Maths: Review all previous topics and consolidation and themed based projects (WR)
English: Poetry (modern verse), scripts and performances
SPAG: Recap and review. Punctuation: Recap and review
Geography: Are YOU a good geographer?
Science: Evolution and Inheritance (Mary Leakey)
Computing: Unit F – Programming B – Sensing movement
RE: Humanism: How could humanists lead good lives?
Music: Farewell tour
PE: Multi-skills and athletics
French: Language angels – Healthy lifestyles (Big Write Poem)
DT: Food: Burgers from around the world, recap nutrition
PSHE: SRE and Jigsaw: Changing Me
Term 1 Newsletter and Home learning