Year 4 2024/2025
Hello and welcome to the Year 4 page
Our teaching team consists of Mr Chapman, Mr Gambrell and Miss Roberts.
Year 4 have PE on a Wednesday and Friday. Please can children come to school in PE kit on these days.
We also visit Green Zone every term. Remember to check Tapestry to see what we have been up to.
Year 4 Fun at Green Zone
This year we are all learning the recorder. Click here for the terms and conditions regarding the loan of the recorder.
Below you will find an overview of our planned learning each term. For more information on what your child will be learning in year 4 please see the curriculum pages and termly newsletters.
Year-4 (ID 1022)
Term 1What's the Deal?
Term 1
Maths: Place value (numbers to 10,000 - excluding work on Roman Numerals - T4), Addition (of numbers within 10,000) and Subtraction (of numbers within 10,000).
We will regularly be revisiting and practicing times tables in preparation for MTC
English: “Town is by the Sea” by Joanne Schwartz.
Writing genres - Setting descriptions (short-burst writing), Diary, Non-Chronological Report.
SPAG – Description: Expanded Noun Phrases, Prepositional Phrases, Similes and Metaphors (figurative language). Diary: Correct use of simple past, past progressive and past perfect, Fronted Adverbials. Non-Chronological Report: Paragraphs into themes, commas in a list
HISTORY Question: “What did the mining community bring to Deal?”
We all also look at map skills (locally) and we will link back to prior Y1 learning about Deal’s smuggling history, comparing the two significant periods.
Science: Electricity (circuits, appliances, batteries).
Computing: Unit A: computing systems and networks- The internet
RE: Judaism Beliefs and Practices: How special is the relationship Jews have with God?
Music: Charanga – Recorder course
PE: Indoor: Multi-skills Outdoor: Cricket
French: Language Angels - Presenting Myself
ART: Drawing: Storytelling through drawing – Explore how artists create sequenced drawings to share and tell stories. (Focus on Sydney Schwartz, illustrator for Town is by the Sea).
PSHE: Unit 1: Being me in my world
Term 2Suitably Sustainable
Term 2
Maths:Area and measurement, Multiplication and division A.
We will regularly be revisiting and practicing times tables in preparation for MTC
English: The Last Bear
Writing genres – Poetry (narrative poetry), Adventure (narrative), Instructions (link to sustainability topic and DT – making litter pickers)
SPAG – Poetry: Present and progressive perfect, adverbs of time, place, manner and frequency, figurative language with personification and repetition, Adventure: Fronted adverbials, range of subordinate clauses and conjunctions, figurative language with personification and repetition, emotive language, Persuasive explanation: commas in a list, adverbs of time, place, manner and frequency.
GEOGRAPHY: Question: “How can we live more sustainably?”
Science: States of matter: solids, liquids and gases
Computing: Unit B: Creating media- audio production
RE: Christianity and Christmas. What is the most significant part of the nativity story for Christians today?
Music: Charanga – Recorder course
PE: Indoor: Dance Outdoor: OAA
French: Language Angels - Family .
DT: Materials and mechanisms: Litter pickers (articulated grabbers).
PSHE: Unit 2: Celebrating difference
Term 3Groovy Greeks
Term 3
Maths: Multiplication and division B, Length and perimeter, Fractions.
We will regularly be revisiting and practicing times tables in preparation for MTC
English: King Midas and other Greek myths
Writing genres – Myths, Playscripts, Instructions for Greek Salad
SPAG – Narrative: Use of full speech punctuation, begin to interweave character, plot, setting and dialogue, range of conjunctions coordinate conjunctions and subordinate clauses, brackets. Playscripts: begin to interweave character, plot, setting and dialogue, brackets for emotion. Instructions: Imperative verbs, sub-headings, bullet points.
HISTORY: Question: “How has Ancient Greece influenced modern society?”
Science: Investigating Sound
Computing: Unit C: Programming A- Repetition in shapes
RE: Buddhism – Can the Buddha’s teachings make the world a better place?
Music: Charanga: Recorder course.
PE: Indoor: Gymnastics Outdoor: Tag rugby (DSC)
French: Language Angels – The Olympics
DT: Food technology: evaluate and improve: Greek salads
PSHE: Unit 3: Dreams and goals
Term 4Rotten Romans
Term 4
Maths: Fractions, Decimals, Roman Numerals
We will regularly be revisiting and practicing times tables in preparation for MTC
English: Queen of Darkness
Writing genres – Newspaper report, Free Verse Poetry, Recount
SPAG – Poetry: figurative language, repetition, Newspaper report: Apostrophes to mark singular and plural possession. Fronted Adverbials, Speech. Recount: Variations in sentence structure: prepositional phrases, expanded noun phrases, subordinate clauses, Paragraphs organised around themes. Standard English (verb inflections).
HISTORY: Question: “What happened when the Romans came to Britain?”
We will be referring back to prior learning about the Stone Age (Y3) and the Ancient Greeks (previous term).
Science: Animals including humans
Computing: Unit D: Data and information – Data logging
RE: Christianity and Easter. Is forgiveness always possible for Christians?
Music: Charanga – Recorder course
PE: Indoor: Handball Outdoor: Netball
French: Language Angels – The Classroom
ART: Exploring pattern (single taster session) and Exploring still life.
PSHE: Unit 4: Healthy me
Term 5Magnificent Mediterranean
Term 5
Maths: Decimals B, Money, Time
We will regularly be revisiting and practicing times tables in preparation for MTC
English: Journey
Writing genres – Poetry, Fantasy
SPAG - Poetry:
Narrative: figurative and expressive language to describe, expanded noun phrases, adverbs of time, place and manner. Fronted Adverbials, Adverbs of time, place and manner, Direct speech, Regular and irregular verbs, plural and singular possession, Variation in sentence structure.
Question: “What makes the Mediterranean a popular tourist destination?”
Science: Working scientifically, inventors, famous scientists (Thomas Edison, Lord Kelvin)
Computing: Unit E: Creating media – Photo editing
RE: Judaism Rights of Passage. What is the best way for a Jew to show commitment to God?
Music: Charanga – Recorder course
PE: Indoor: Badmington Outdoor: Rounders
French: Language Angels – Fruits and Vegetables (Beg unit)
ART: Digital media and photography: Use a range of tools to create travel photography.
DT: Textiles – Designing and improving travel pillows
PSHE: Unit 5: Relationships
Term 6Sweet Temptations
Term 6
Maths: Shape, Position & Direction, Statistics, Consolidation. MTC
English: Charlie and the Chocolate Factory
Writing genres - Letter, Narrative,
SPAG - Letter: Nouns and pronouns used for clarity and cohesion, use of simple, past, past progressive and past perfect. First and third person, wide range of conjunctions. Narrative: Interweave character, plot, setting and dialogue (links between paragraphs to build up events), Nouns and pronouns used for clarity and cohesion, A wider range of conjunctions, Fronted adverbials, Use of full speech punctuations, Power of Three, Figurative language (A culmination of all key year 4 writing skills on show)
GEOGRAPHY: Question: “How has Deal changed over time?”
This unit focuses on local geography and field work, but we will explore trade (‘How does chocolate make its way to Deal?’ where we will look at food miles and maps) and we will also refer back to prior historical knowledge about Deal’s trade in the past, inc. Smugglers and how this has evolved over time.Science: Living things and their habitats
Computing: Unit F: Programming B – Repetition in games
RE: Christianity – Do people need to go to church to show they are Christians?
Music: Charanga – Recorder course
PE: Indoor: Review term Outdoor: Athletics
French: Language Angels – Do you have a pet?
Art: The Art of Display (single taster lesson) and Sculpture, Structure, Inventiveness and Determination.
PSHE: Unit 6: Changing me (including SRE)
Term 1 newsletter and home learning