• Proud to be part of DEALT

Sandown School

Modern Foreign Languages



At Sandown Primary we are committed to providing children with opportunities to engage fully in modern foreign languages (MFL). Our MFL curriculum enables children to develop an interest in learning another language in a way that is enjoyable and stimulating. 

Use our School log in details to access fun French games by following the link above. 

Language Angels Unit Overview


Year 3

Year 4

Year 5

Year 6

Term 1

J’apprends Le Francais

(I’m learning French) and Les Salutations (salutations)

Je Me Presente

(Presenting Myself)

Review (presenting myself)

Au Café

(At The Café)

Quelle Est La Date Ajourd’hui?

(What is The Date?)

Term 2

Couleurs et Les Nombres

(colours and numbers) and Les Fruits

En Famille

(The Family)

Quel Temps Fait-Il?

(The Weather)

A L’Ecole

(At School)


Term 3

Les Animaux


Les Romains

(The Romans)

Les Vetements


Le Week-end

(The Weekend)

Term 4

L’ancienne Histoire de la Grande Bretagne

(Ancient Britain)

En Classe

The Classroom

Manger Et Bouger

Healthy Lifestyles

Term 5

Petite Chaperon Rouge

(Little Red Riding Hood)

As-tu an Animal?

(Do you have a Pet?)

Review units

Final presentations and report, review vocabulary and grammar

Term 6

Je Peux…

‘I can’

Boucle d’Or Et Les Trois Ours

(Goldilocks & The Three Bears)

Chez Moi

(My home)





Creative Curriculum/History                                                              


 Progression in MFL    MFL Knowledge 

Language Ambassadors 2023-2024

This year our language ambassadors have expanded and are now working throughout the school to help promote languages. 

The ambassadors will also be helping to encourage French speaking across the school and work with our Manwoods French students throughout the year.

MFL (ID 1003)




  • Bastille Day
  • Spanish Day
  • Language ambassadors
  • Sir roger Manwoods visit Sandown




