• Proud to be part of DEALT

Sandown School


Governors are volunteers who work in partnership with the school to ensure that children receive the best education possible.

We value governor involvement in the life and work of Sandown School and would encourage you to think about becoming a member of the Sandown School governing body when an appropriate opportunity arises. Parent Governor vacancies are notified by a letter to parents and guardians and mentioned in the school newsletter. Anyone can become a school Governor based on how their skills would fit with the current needs of the governing body. 

Being a Governor is a rewarding experience. We are a group of hard working people who give freely of their time and energy, committing their skills to the service of Sandown School.

Governors come from different backgrounds, reflecting the many interest groups involved in our school, but they have one important thing in common: they are dedicated to ensuring that the children at Sandown School have the best education possible.
This is the primary focus of all governing body business. The governing body members have a huge amount of knowledge, experience and competence to draw on and we recognise that school governance is a team effort and decisions are made corporately.
High quality training and development is available for all Governors and all Governors are recommended to attend a Governors' Induction course as well as continue with their professional development throughout their term of office.
Governing bodies have many responsibilities but in general they are there to set the strategic framework for the school (including developing policies and the School Improvement Plan), agree the 3 year plan, monitor the finances, to act as support and challenge to the Headteacher as well as to monitor the implementation of the School Improvement Plan and policies as managed and carried out by the Headteacher and staff.
Effective governance is about team-work with headteachers, staff, governors and the community.
Information on the role of School Governors can be found at http://www.kent.gov.uk/education-and-children/schools/school-governors/become-a-school-governor 
Or you can contact the Chair of Governors at: farrettm@sandown.kent.sch.uk or via the school at :Sandown school, Golf road, Deal, Kent, CT146PY 

2024-2025 Sandown School Local Governing Body

  • Matthew Anderson – Staff Governor: 23-11-22 to 22-11-25
  • Lucy Blown - Parent Governor & Vice Chair: 23-11-22 to 22-11-26
  • Sandie Butcher – Co-Opted Governor: 05-12-22 to 04-12-26
  • Michelle Farrett - Chair of Governors & Co-opted Governor: 25-9-24 to 24-9-28
  • Kate Luxford – Head Teacher: April 2012 continuous
  • Luke Mussett – Parent Governor: 07-09-21 to 06-09-25 (leave of absence agreed)
  • Matthew Cook - Parent Governor 20.03.24 to 20.03.28
  • Jennet Werth - Parent Governor 20.03.24 to 20.03.28

o All Parent Governors are nominated and elected by parents

o Co-Opted Governors are appointed by the LGB

Interests Declared

· Luke Mussett  - Member of staff at The Orchard School, Canterbury

· Michelle Farrett - Sessional Staff Member at Canterbury Christ Church University

& Trustee Dover Christ Church Academy

Attendance record September 2023 - July 2024

 X = Apologies accepted by FGB

A = Attended

- = N/A

Sandown's Governing Body follows the 'circle' structure with individual committees.


Resignations during academic year 2024 - 2025

Alfred McConnell - Stepped down 05.11.24 


